Electronic Arts
We have been working with EA for more than 10 years developing different internal sites from analytics dashboards to monitor games users concurrency, users connections, games services status, services uptime, incident notifications and alerts. We have also developed a documentation site integrating
cto video wall
We built an Integrated Monitoring platform using Open Source tools Laravel and Graphite, we created a dashboard on top of them that graphs different metrics, detects tendencies and alerts the incumbent studios.
This helped EA on their Network Operations Center in streamlining their operations saving them nearly a million dollars a year.
An evolution of this work was the Video Wall, this was a Dashboard Like Application designed to present Management oriented Information about the situation in real time of the most relevant games. The dashboard is installed in the headquarters building, in front of the management office on a giant screen wall setup with 6 HD screens on a layout of 2 rows with 3 screens each row.

The app can only be managed by a remote control by selecting the Games to show at the wall by selecting it from a list of Games.
The solution provided consisted on 2 applications:
Video Wall application built in react and pulling titles and PSU metrics from Graphite api and a custom API which provides custom title metadata.
Remote control app which consists in a remote receiver to show content selected by the user on the remote control.
This application was built in Laravel to the content selector UI. Node, Redis, NodeJS and Socket.io to implement websocket to connect Remote receivers and Remote control.
The video wall app was developed during 2 months and the remote control app was developed during 1 month.
Each project development was planned and executed on 2 weeks sprints.The team was composed of initial designers, a product manager and a developer.
The Video Wall consists of 3 main parts:
The Wall Admin has two components, the main wall administration application and the remote administration application.
The main administration application is responsible for the configuration of the individual displays, and the overall backend application as a whole. Each game and the data sources for it are defined here. Each display location has a list of games and metrics available for display at that location.
The remote administration application is a backend analog of the remote application in each wall display location. One can use this application to control which page is displayed on the screen at which location.
This application is a simple iPad based app to change the view on a particular display. There is one remote app at each location; it communicates with the wall display at that location.
This is basically a browser that runs a single front end application. This application uses a URL-based scheme to display one of the pages available via the Wall backend app.
Note that the Wall Display is remote from the Wall Receiver application. The wall display is merely a browser in the local office pre-programmed to retrieve data from the Wall Receiver.